Youth Explorers

The Jasper County Sheriff’s Office created the Youth Law Enforcement Explorer Program (NCALEEA Post #404) to develop career awareness by exposing youth to the fundamentals of law enforcement and the challenges that members of law enforcement face everyday. It is the goal of the Explorer Program here at JCSO to:

  • Further the education and growth of the youth in the Jasper County Community and increase the youths involvement and feeling of civic responsibility; 
  • Encourage Explorer participation by involvement in productive community service activities;
  • To enhance preparation for further roles as productive citizens, community members, and future members of law enforcement;
  • To help young men and women become aware of the role that law enforcement plays in society, the challenges it they face, and the way they serve their community by ensuring public trust and safety.

The JCSO Law Enforcement Explorer program is an official department program sponsored by JCSO and is assigned, organizationally, to the Administrative  Bureau – Community Operations Unit. The Sheriff of Jasper County shall have final authority on all matters pertaining to the operation of the Explorer post. The Sheriff shall appoint the Post’s Senior Advisor among the sworn deputies in the community operations unit.

Before any individual will be eligible for membership with the Explorer program they must meet the following requirements/standards:

  • Members must be between the (RP) ages of 13-20 years of age;
  • Members must receive parental/guardian permission to join the Explorer program; 
  • Members shall only be considered for membership if they or their parents are residents of Jasper County. Exceptions to this rule lie with the Senior Advisor and/or their designee; 
  • Members must be enrolled in public school, private school, or be home schooled or have already graduated with a High School Diploma or GED; 
  • Members must complete the application for membership to the JCSO Explorer Post and provide at least TWO references, one of which must be from either a member of the school or JCSO staff;
  • Members must submit to a background screening and be free from any criminal activity of any sort, exceptions to this rule reside solely with the Sheriff of Jasper County. 

Interested youth may apply here: